Aichi Spine Institute

Lumbar disc herniation:PELD(Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy)

The Features of PELD


PELD(Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy)

PELD is a typical Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for lumbar disk herniation. PELD is indicated for both mild or severe disc herniation. This scope can provide clear vision by magnifying up to x60. A herniated disc can be removed through a 6mm-diameter cannula by using a 3mm micro-forceps with the help of a special microendoscope. Also cutting edge technologies, such as high-vision camera, monitor, Laser and radio-frequency-wave are used. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and usually takes an hour. You can walk three hours after surgery and requires to stay one night. The surgical incision is just 6 mm and requires no stitch, just a bandade. This technique is the mildest surgery for lumbar disc herniation. 94 % of the patients who underwent PELD for lumbar disc herniation showed Excellent or Good results.

Anesthesia and Surgery: PELD under local anesthesia
Surgery time: About an hour
Size of hernia: Medium to large sized hernia
Pain: mild to severe
Hospitalization: One night stay. Discharge the next day.

Herniated disc is removed by a 3 mm micro-forceps under endoscopic visualization.

The position of the forceps is secured under fluoroscopy.

1.5mm Laser is used only within the disc to burn out the tissue safely.

Radio frequency wave is used to stop bleeding. This tool can be used outside disc.

MRI right after surgery and one month later

Before surgery

Right after PELD

One month after PELD

Pre/post-surgery prep details

First consultation Complete spinal examinations
Complete spinal examinations (MRI, CT, X ray: ¥82,500+TAX)
Pre-surgical full body medical check-up
If you decide to undergo surgery, you need to take a full body examinations includimg EKG, chest X-ray, Lung function and blood analysis: total ¥37,500+TAX
Additional examination for LDH
An additional examination may be needed to make a precise diagnosis
Cost of surgery ¥2,100,000+TAX
Burden of cost Government medical coverage is not applicable
Other In 90% of the cases, pain disappears instantly. But there is a possibility that some pain may remain and numbness may prolong.